Everyone at MOFS is appalled and saddened by the scenes we have seen around our towns and cities over the past few days. Our sympathies are with anyone who has been affected by the unrest we have seen and the damage that has been caused.

On the basis that the damage has been caused by the peril of “Riot & Civil Commotion”, all Riot claims are subject to the provisions of the Riot Compensation Act 2016 (RCA) which requires Insurers to respond to such claims within particular timescales, which in turn applies to policyholders. All claims must be submitted within 42 days of the riot ending in order to comply with the requirements of the act.

Therefore, if you have suffered loss or damage resulting from the riots, you must ensure that you report any claims withing the RCA time limit of 42 days, providing as much evidence as possible. In the event that evidence is not immediately available, it can be submitted separately, but must be received withing 91 days of your Insurer receiving notification of the claim.

Our claims team can be contacted by emailing or by calling 0151 255 2600.

For more information call 0151 255 2600 or email